Sunday, September 27, 2009

Curly Apples

Logan loves grabbing an apple or two off of Grandma Webb's tree whenever he visits, so she gave us a whole bag. Usually Logan eats apples from the bottom up, core, seeds, and all. But since he discovered the cool apple curler machine, he won't go back to eating them normal - for now.

Logan has a knack for finding yummy things in the pantry and getting me to give them to him. We ended up going on the front steps to eat the otter pops after he made sure I got the scissors out of the drawer. Then he got so happy he ran really fast to the front door - he knows thats where we eat otter pops together. It is actually really fun that he always wants me to eat one with him he keeps pointing to his and mine. Then as soon as he is done he hurries to the door with all the trash and whines so I'll open it and he can run to the trash can. He sure helps me keep things clean.


Julia said...

that is so cute that he ran to the door so fast

Mom said...

What a real video that just made the apple tempting. I had to get an apple after I watched Logan eating. He must have really good teeth because he really can chew the apple and lots of kids can't. I love your blog. Keep posting!

Angela White said...

I can't wait to meet you guys! Your blog is super cute! Keep on posting!

Young Woman said...

Thats is so cute I coudent stop giggleing and I couddent belive he ate the app;le hole from Emily