Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Little Pioneer Logan - Carey Family Reunion

Pioneer Day this year was at Moyle Park with candle making, hoop rolling, clothes washing, stick pulling- you name it.

Logan won best overall boy costume, and I didn't even use a pattern.

Logan was a little scared of the washtub at first, but he was soon scrubbing clothes with all the women.

Logan was especially helpful in filling up the water cans to carry back to the washtub.
As soon as we hung up the clothes, Logan was ready to pull them down and wash them again. Here are our other pioneer activites.

Candle making
Hoop rolling

Fiddle Dancing
Stilt walking. Julia is one hard working pioneer.

All pooped out - being a pioneer isn't easy!
It's OK, Elizabeth will finish the ice cream for you.
It sure tastes good in 100 degree weather.

We're trying not to smile.

Wouldn't be a reunion without family orchestra the next day.

or good food like Grandma Carey's 90th birthday cake -there really are 90 candles.
What fun cousins. The whole Vernon family minus Parley, Rod, Amanda and David.


Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness Logan is adorable! He looks so much older now!!! Cute outfits Carrie!

katie said...

Those are the cutest pictures of Logan. I hope you save them forever. You look great too, Carrie. Are those braids for real?! And where is pioneer Pete?

Carrie said...

Too bad Pioneer Pete was working on Pioneer Day, but he got there that evening and camped out with us.

Ian Webb said...

Logan's costume was awesome so cool plus he looked awesome in it!

Mom said...

What great pictures. I love that you got so many cute ones. Thanks for posting them.