Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wasatch Back Relay

This Friday and Saturday I did the Ragnar Wasatch Back Relay with Pete's brother Micheal and some of Pete's cousins. Our team name was Twelve Peas in a Pod because there are twelve runners and Give Peas a Chance was our slogan. That's what our shirts say if you could read them, and we put that on our vans as well green circles, so everyone would know we were the peas. It was super fun. This is a picture from the end when we were all tired and sweaty but we all ran the last 200 yards together like every team does and got medals when we crossed the finish line. The race goes from Logan to Park City, is 188 miles long, and each person runs three legs over the course of the two days. My first leg was ranked very hard and was 3.8 miles on a huge hill going up to Snow Basin Ski Resort. I did really well on it though, and passed 13 runners on the way up, never stopping the whole way to the exchange. That was the biggest, hardest hill I have ever run- it just was so steep for so long. Overall I ran 18.4 miles. It was awesome.Here is the whole team minus Catlyn, who had to leave early for a family thing. From top left there's Clay, Seth, me, Rebecca, Katrina, and Emily. Bottom row left is Micheal, Jeremy, Collin, Rosanna and Burdette.
This is Pod # 2. We all rode in the second van together and then tried to sleep while Pod #1 took over the running for a while. The sleeping didn't go over too well due to small sleeping quarters in our car, and scheduling with when runners would be in.
Seth was probably the fastest runner on our team.
An exchange checkpoint with Katrina handing off. Night running was the worst because we were so tired - I ran 7.3 miles at 3:30 but I couldn't get any sleep before then, so I had no energy at all. Running vests and headlamps were required.

There were some weird teams there. This was the NO PANTS team and they wore these big T-shirts the whole time. One of my favorites was the Xena warrior princess team with black pleather outfits, or vans that were decorated like mammoths with huge tusks on the front that even were lit up by Christmas lights at night. Next year we could each be one of the twelve apostles, or one of the twelve phases of the moon. JK.


Richard said...

Carrie - That is impressive. I did not know you were in such good shape! Keep it up,

Dad Wad

Mom said...

Carrie, I am so impressed that you ran that far and ran so hard. It is awesome that you were able to do so well and that your whole team placed so high. Thanks for sharing the photos with us. I bet you were still tired on Sunday and we didn't even realize all you had done.

Elspeth said...

looks fun carrie! You were probably really fast!

Looking Foreward said...

Hi, Carrie,
Unless there was more than one Xena team, that was Ethan's wife, Allison's, team. Most of them were nurses.