Monday, June 1, 2009

First Words: Ball and Bubble

Logan's first word is ball, and he says it so cute, with his mouth all round like he swallowed a ping pong ball. He loves to play basketball, so that is where he first said ball, but now he says it for everything.

Logan loves bubbles, reaching for them every time we pass the shelf they are on and saying, "Ball." Just today he started saying Buuu bulll with the accent on the bull. It was so cute I had to get a video his real second word.


Parley said...

the next word he should learn crap. haha.

Richard said...

Cute video - CArrie's first word was "Buh Buh" which meant milk bottle.


Looking Foreward said...

Wow! Saying "Bubbles" is so-o-o hard to do, but he did it!

Mom said...

Logan looks so cute sitting up on the chair, blowing bubbles and talking. He looks older every blog post. I miss him.