The tulip festival was a great idea for my cousin June's birthday.
Mom got all 4 kids in one stroller, and gave them ice cream cone bubbles. It reminded me of my childhood - always so fun and squishy in the car or the stroller. Etta Mae will have this many kids in one stroller pretty soon, plus one walking. Logan- 23 mos, Alan- 26 mos and Austin- 19 mos, June's boy.He was getting tired by the end and needed his binky.
Pete and I are getting our masters degrees at BYU, so we are big cougar fans. Our son Logan is the cutest toddler on the block, and even likes posing for pictures -lucky me. Please enjoy our blog!
"Traditions are the always in life, the rituals and customs that build common memories for children, offer comfort and stability in good times and in bad, and create a sense of family identity." American journalist Marian Edelman Borden
Do not be in a hurry to succeed. What would you have to live for afterwards? Better make the horizon your goal; it will always be ahead of you.
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863)
these pictures are so precious, just like the boys. It is fun to have a bunch of little boys. Love your picture titles, like wedgies!
Those are great pictures Carrie! I love the ones of Alan and Logan together.
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