Inside the big castle there was a narrow hallway, and a little window. It was quite slippery. Has anyone heard of that cool hotel in Canada or something that is made out of ice?
Me, before the race. I was excited because it was so beautiful to run with sparkling snow all around and no roads. I was also just glad we got there in time. The thick fog all around Deer Creek made driving there a little scary. Good thing I got Pete up and made him drive me, but we didn't leave until 8:10 so I was a little worried. At least we had a GPS directing us so we knew right where to go. It kept telling us we would get there at 8:59, and the race started at 9:00 -Oh no!. It turned out OK and actually the race ended up not starting until 9:15 so I even had time to get a pre-race picture.
My traction device called Yaktrax that Pete got me for my birthday last year. A lot of people ran in snowshoes, but I think these were much faster, as long as I didn't step in the middle of the trail and sink in. But to win in the long races you had to wear snowshoes the whole way. Kahtoola company was there selling these snowshoes you're supposed to be able to really run in -I might try them next year
I won overall first place female in the 5k, suprisingly enough. I guess my total of two workouts on the treadmill this winter payed off. This is me with the awesome race director, John Bozung, who is an amazing ultramarathoner. When he turned 52 he did 52 marathons in one year.
They had great cream of broccoli soup afterwards. This guy was waiting around for his friend to finish the 50k -over 30 miles! He came with his family and friend from St Louis- there were people from Virginia, and a couple other states as well.
Logan and Pete enjoyed seeing all the visitor center animals while I ran. 
But the coolest thing was finding all the heater vents. Logan does that everyhwere he goes, nowadays. In the store he will point out if they are big square ones or big circle ones-those way up high in the ceiling. That's something I never noticed before - he is so going to be a good handyman.
Pete and Logan eventually came outside to get some of those wiggles out, and it worked. By the time we drove home after stopping at the Zermott, Logan fell fast alseep.
wow carrie that is really cool! I can't believe people go that far. and congrats on winning! I forgot about it after getting your message or else i would have come done it with you :( You should sign up for the salem triathlon tho. Just google and you'll find it. if not let me know
Good thing you didn't come or you would have beat me. I am doing a Valentines 5k in Provo on Sat at 2:00pm that you should do. Anyone (girl) who gets under 22 minutes gets fiev bucks, and there's prizes for the most red, pink and purple worn.
Carrie! you do such fun races! I'm just realizing that there is an ultramarathon world out there (a month ago I thought a marathon was the longest) and I love the idea! That is so cool that you met so many neet people. Where is that ice castle - I want to go see it! That is the neetest outing! Pete is so good to support you like that! The fun thing about ulta-marathons is that it's not just a young person's sport. So after I'm done having kids, I'm going to get in shape and run! It sounds SO fun!
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