Then just because it looked cool, I also did a tank - I indulged myself spending way too much time on pumpkins this year. So, Prenten- I am waiting to see what you did with your squat, little cinderella pumpkin.

We were part of a traveling circus this year. I was the fortune teller along with the tiger and his trainer. I should have had them do a little act, but Logan really wasn't willing to stand up on his own. Doesn't Pete look the part like some Bill Sykes or something?

Poor Emily, our neighbor whose house we are standing in front of, has the swine flu and couldn't go trick or treating. Logan took her some rice crispy treats and candy, but we didn't see her. Get well soon, Emily- Logan and I miss you and love you!

Lions and tigers and please don't cry! We stopped to visit Jaron, and as you can see the tiger was a little bit tired.

The trick or treating didn't work so well since the tiger was too tired to stand up. I would hold the pumpkin bucket out for his candy, but he didn't seem to care, plus he doesn't need any more candy. We just did a few houses, and enjoyed seeing the neighborhood
Alaya the unicorn, Julia the poodle, and Keirra the black fairy, with Scott's mom, Janice.

Thursday night we stopped at Julia's work -Heritage Care Center where they had a super fun party. I am sorry I didn't get more pictures, like Hallie, because the old people were so cute, and the spooky graveyard was really cool. Good job Julia, I am coming next year for sure. Then Logan will be able to do all the fun games like bowling and ring toss. Congrats, Alaya for winning a goldfish!

Hallie took this while I was driving -sooooo cute. Did you know my cushy oldsmobile actually holds six people - Hallie, Alaya and I in the front with the three carseats in the back. Squishy, but all the more merry, especially when the whole back seat started fussing as we were five minutes from home. Us in the front just imitated their fussing, and the backseat madly screamed all the louder until our car was rolling with noise. Maybe I won't ever need a van, just someone to get my window to go up.
Games at the Vernon Halloween party Friday night included an eyeball relay, a treat relay, a spider race, a treat walk, a tiger's cave, the limbo, and find the broomsticks and spiders. Thanks, Hallie for doing all the games and decorating the house super awesome, since I was recovering from Wednesday. Scott, your homemade rootbeer was a big hit!
I say Prenten wins best costume. It's hard to see in the vid, but he was a guy in a car wreck, with one half of his body normal and the other all scraped up, from his sock to his face. I think it's funny that he ripped and burned a nice Sunday shirt- Rachel probably didn't like that- but it looked cool. BTW, thanks for fixing the blind and saving me a lot of worry.
The Little Gym trunk or treat party was actually so much fun. Logan was a natural on the bar, and Jacob was so cute -he got his face painted after he got there. I liked his tiger fight with Logan.
Logan is quickly learning how to talk -he usually copies my last word - and he understands almost everything. I need to videotape him pointing out letters and saying their sounds.
I like the swimming tiger. He kicks his legs like that in the bathtub all the time, probably because we taught him to do that last summer in the pool.
Oh the little tiger and his roar are so adorable. Sorry about the super long post!
Hey Carrie!
First of all, I'm sorry about your loss and I hope that you are feeling better.
Second, you look awesome in your gypsy skirt! I'm so glad we got those...that was an adventure in itself - remember when the lady wanted to take it off in the street...oh my!
Little Logan is a cutie, he keeps getting big!
Thanks I am feeling better after almost a week. Yeah, that was a little scary talking to her, and I was glad they wear several skirts at the same time.
Hey Patrick and Carrie:
I had to find your blog after Thanksgiving--it was fun to see you guys!
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