Friday, January 29, 2010
Julia and Logan
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
He Stayed in Nursery!
Logan was so cute I had to take a video, and also to show off my birthday present I bought myself at Kmart for only $25 because it was 75% off - a Christmas light music box that moves the lights to the music. All of these were gone even before Christmas, but this was the display and so no one thought it was for sell. I found some worker and asked him, then waited while that guy called three people to try out if it was for sell and find the price, then give me 75% off. But it was worth it even if Logan had to eat a few skittles to stay quiet. We will have a cool house next year, if our tiny patch of grass doesn't put a damper on things.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Logan's Reading
"S-T-O-P, Stop!" Logan has become obsessed with this little stop sign. He doesn't really know how to read, he just likes to say "Stop" after he spells it. Still, it's a start. Logan's cousin, Julia is super smart, but she has this defiant streak in her and usually just pretends she doesn't know the answer. Logan misses her the most out of any cousins, because he goes around saying, "Julia gone, Yas Degas," (Las Vegas). Good thing she is coming back to visit in two weeks!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Snowy Days
Our little snow house that Keirra and I spent forever making, but it was fun. Mom gave us these cool brick molds we used with snow and a little water to make the bricks keep their shape. It was a couple days in the making, but even had a few tunnels under the wall for mail, etc. Alaya kept making tunnels for dogs to get in. One time Julia pushed over a lot of bricks before they froze together and I got mad at her. Logan thought it was a good place to hide.
It's always fun to tease Mom.
The best sled hill was right behind our house!
Feeding Jesus
We set up a big manger scene in our house and I put a porcelain doll down as baby Jesus. Logan one day came back to the kitchen where I was washing dishes and said, "raisins, Jesus." He had dumped all his box of raisins on Jesus' face to be nice and share with him. Logan likes to feed other people, but now he's only allowed to give Jesus the toy milk bottle.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Christmas Morning
We got to spend the night at the Webbs and enjoy a great fire and sheperd's dinner. Logan kept saying Grandpa fire hot. Christmas morning was a whole new experience for Logan, and he sure loved having so many fun people around like Ian and Micheal. Logan loved Megan too, he just didn't want to show it at the time. He wouldn't say her name or give her a kiss, and ran away when he got close to her in the kitchen. He was just scared of her, and now he's better, but it was really funny.
After some help, Logan learned how to open presents all by himself.
We had a great time playing with the playdough buckets that morning. He really liked cutting with the little knife all the cookies and cheese and pretzels we made him. Pete and Logan also enjoyed building block towers and tearing them down. Logan aready can't wait until next Christmas.