Three milestones were crushed last week as little Loagie finally rolled over from his back to his stomach, first in front of Pete and then in front of Grandma Webb. He's almost seven months old, but better late than never. Logan also got his first tooth, after being really fussy all day Thursday, until finally I noticed it. He already loves brushing his tooth on a regular basis, and I'm sure it stays quite clean. Third, Loagie is getting around on hands and knees, and though sometimes he hops his legs forward, I would pass it off for basic crawling. I was playing violin when I looked over and he was gone. It seems he loves to hide under the dining room table, though I bet that stops as soon as he can stand! Yes I am writing this post at 5:30 am, it being the only time Logan is asleep while Pete is not using the computer. He has this huge paper due Monday that he has to get an A on, so I guess that trumps my need to blog, and I let him take the computer to work. But too much homework makes him do weird things like put Logan in frying pans. We just hope Pete can pull out a 3.0 this semester, to stay in his program.